Nambudripad Allergy Elimination
(Treatment) Technique (NAET)


NAET is a one of the most natural form of allergy treatments. It is a non-invasive, natural and drug free solution to combat allergies. It is a Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique that does not follow the western medical theories and practices. Unlike the western medical perspective, a NAET allergy treatment follows the oriental medical practices and relies on the flow of energy from the human body. The founder of NAET, Devi Nambudripad, a chiropractor and acupuncturist, analyzed and discovered the effectiveness of applying pressure on specific acupuncture points to release blocked energy and as a result provide a cure and relief to any person suffering from an allergy. This was truly a revolutionary point in the field of Allergy Testing . It is believed that many common and chronic ailments are a result of undiagnosed allergies. If these allergies are not diagnosed and treated in time they can have serious lifelong effects on a person. Being a non-invasive and drug free treatment it has attracted many people towards it.

NAET can successfully eliminate extreme allergic reactions to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold and several other environmental allergens. An extreme case of allergy might require several sittings and take a much longer period of time; but can be treated nonetheless. With this treatment, do not expect immediate results; it takes time and your patience will go a long way in complete treatment. NAET has proved to be effective for all age groups. It not only treats an existing allergy but eliminates it for life. A patient will no longer be affected by the allergens that previously caused problems. NAET treatment is also being used to treat severe physical problems like Autism; it has been a revolution in this field.


Allergy Testing

We, at Nephi Chiropractic Clinic, believe in the practice of NAET and are convinced it is the best allergy treatment possible. Our method is safe, reliable and non-invasive. We use Muscle Testing as it identifies the blockage in a patient’s electromagnetic energy field while a person is suffering from a specific allergy. After successful identification of the allergy, Dr. Bradford performs a standard procedure to remove the allergy. These techniques are believed to be absolutely safe and provide complete relief. It is advisable for every person to read and be informed about the techniques. NAET has been accepted and provided all across the world. Its benefits and effectiveness has made it a popular choice of treatment amongst doctors as well as patients. With popularity also comes misuse; there are several do-it-yourself kits available online but these can be harmful and should not be used without proper knowledge and expert supervision.

NAET can help cure a number of allergies like:

•  Mold allergy
• Nickel allergy
• Pollen allergy
• Latex allergy
• Shrimp allergy
• Lactose allergy
• Casein allergy
• Nut allergy
• Amino acid allergies
• Egg allergy
• Wheat allergy
• Soy allergy
• Sugar allergy
• Vitamin allergies (and many more…)

This form of Allergy Testing uses NAET techniques and procedures. The number of days required for full treatment varies from patient to patient. Every human body reacts in a different way and the time taken by the body to accept and benefit from the treatment is different. For some relief may begin from the very first day where as for others it may take several sessions and days. It includes acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic care, nutrition, and kinesiology.

If you are suffering from any of these allergies, or some other allergy that is hindering your daily activities, make an appointment with Dr. Bradford today.
